The Heart of Our City

The heart of our city is its people.

Our foundation is made up of passionate citizens

who are determined to aid their neighbors

in the revitalization of Historic Downtown

Jefferson City, once named Mossy Creek.


Our Mission:

To lead in the reimagining and revitalization of historic downtown Jefferson City, Tennessee.

mossy creek station, established by The Mossy Creek Foundation along with the city of jefferson city, tennessee, is a community gathering space in downtown historic Jefferson City.

Our Vision:

To transform the neglected spaces in

Jefferson City’s historic downtown into hubs of community,

conveying the culture of Mossy Creek to the next generation.

Our Core Values:

Blanc & West: A family-owned business for generations.


Preserving Mossy Creek’s Rich History


The Battery Tasting House & Cocktail Lounge at Mossback Distillery


Encouraging the growth of new businesses

to create gathering places for friends and neighbors

Barbershop 2020


Influencing positive changes in our town to build the local economy


Click on the video below to learn more about Mossy Creek Foundation’s passion for change for our town!